Jan Camenisch

Award Recipient
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Jan Camenisch received a Diploma in Electrical Engineering in 1993 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1998 both from ETH Zurich. From 1998 until 1999 he was Research Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. Since 1999 he has been Research Staff Member and project leader at IBM Research — Zurich. He was also the technical leader of the EU-funded projects PRIME and PrimeLife which both contributed towards making on-line privacy a reality.

His research interests include public key cryptography; cryptographic protocols, in particular those supporting privacy and anonymity; practical secure distributed computation; and privacy-enhancing technologies.


2013 Technical Achievement Award Recipient
“For pioneering theoretical work on privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocols and leadership in their practical realization.”
Learn more about the Technical Achievement Award