In-depth analysis of the latest tech trends, with highlights of the top research from the world's standard-bearer for computing professionals.

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By Stevie Carpenter
In the face of climate change, it's now more important than ever to go as green as you can, even for businesses. But of course, that's easier said than done. Unless you know exactly how to set green procurement goals you can achieve. We'll cover all the basics surrounding these goals, starting with what they are and concluding with the best pract...
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Software architecture is like the blueprint of a building, guiding how different parts of a software system fit together. Over time, the landscape of software architecture has undergone significant transformations, driven by technological advancements and evolving project requirements. Understanding this journey through the various eras of software...
By Stevie Carpenter
Amid the global climate crisis, every business is responsible for ensuring it's doing whatever possible to limit or mitigate its impact. But how can you prove that you're serious about those commitments and not just 'talking the talk'? ESG sustainability reporting goes a long way in this regard. Here we'll explore all you need to know on the subj...
By Nithhyaa Ramamoorthy
The need for Humans to be connected to other Humans is as basic and essential as the need for Food, Water, and Shelter. Many neurologists and human-computer Interaction experts have studied the evolutionary aspects of the relationship between social connections and the overall well-being of Humans in various historical forms of prehistoric and civi...
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Ever wondered what's in store for Java and Spring Boot, the tech superheroes behind loads of apps we use every day? Well, get ready for a cool journey into the future! Imagine this: you're standing at a tech crossroads, and the path ahead is full of awesome trends that are going to change how we use Java. Exciting, right? We're delving into the rea...
By Arun Gupta
Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven success in scaling business growth and boosting profit margins using customer relationship management (CRM) involves leveraging the capabilities of AI within the CRM platform. The process includes enhancing various aspects of customer service, sales, marketing, and decision-making. Fortune Business Insights repor...
By Ranadeep Reddy Palle
Are businesses truly taking use of all that the cloud has to offer, or are they just scratching the surface? Navigating Cloud Evolution is more than just a tour guide; it's a crucial exploration of the intricate realm of cloud computing. In the digital age, cloud computing has completely transformed the way businesses function. The need for scalabl...
By Ricard Santiago Raigada Garc´ıa
Quantum computing is surpassing the current physical capabilities limited by classical computing, including that of supercomputers, promising significant transformations in various fields in just 5 to 10 years. According to Moore's law, which marks advances in technology. Fields such as optimization, chemistry, and medicine have been boosted by th...
By Jenna Bunnell
As organizations face increasing regulation, and as more consumers prioritize brands with ethical practices, it's never been more important to prove your sustainable credentials. Tech companies are subject to extra scrutiny as they try to overcome negative public attitudes. According to a 2021 CNN poll, two-thirds of Americans trust Big Tech only ...
By Jenna Bunnell
While most people would think of congested roads or coal-fired power stations when asked about the causes of climate change, the truth is that software development has a shockingly large impact, too. In response, green coding - and more broadly, green computing - has been developed as a way to limit the environmental impacts of the field. We're g...
By Venkata Mudumbai
The rapid growth and development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and solutions have undeniably changed the technological landscape for global industries. As business leaders and developers construct new ways to implement automated functionalities into their organization's infrastructure, enterprises are reshaping how they conduct business and...
By Kruti Chapaneri
The container orchestration landscape is vast. Managing and maintaining all the services operating in the background can be challenging while staying informed about them simultaneously. Embracing the chaos is an art, particularly within distributed, containerized platforms. It is now more important than ever to embrace open-source services to under...
By Ronak Ravjibhai Pansara
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, data reigns supreme. From customer information to product details and supplier records, organizations are inundated with vast volumes of data. Amidst this deluge of information, the need to manage and leverage data effectively has never been more critical. Enter Master Data Management (MDM), a strategic fram...
By Gilad David Maayan
What Is User Management? User management, a crucial aspect of enterprise IT, involves managing and controlling user access to a network or system. This critical process is pivotal for security, compliance, and operational efficiency in an organization. It encompasses everything from determining the levels of access a user has, authenticating t...
By Jenna Bunnell
Nowadays, many businesses are trying to be more eco-conscious. Thanks to growing public pressure and government regulations, it's in a business's best interest to become as environmentally friendly as possible. One of the ways to do this is by implementing an environmental management system. Let's look at what this system is and how it can benefit...
By Jenna Bunnell
Your company's commitment to being environmentally friendly and ethical across the board is incredibly important to your investors and stakeholders. It could be the difference between winning an investment and losing it. However, investors are increasingly looking for ESG greenwashing. Greenwashing is a trap many companies fall into, and accusatio...
By Akash Kilaru
DevOps methodology is commonly applied to software development and enables more rapid and efficient delivery of software and software updates. It is an umbrella concept that describes a specialized approach to shortening and optimizing the software development lifecycle. The primary goal of DevOps is to maximize the predictability, efficiency, secu...
By Stevie Carpenter
Transforming your business in any capacity is a major undertaking that calls for a skilled hand, not to mention a good eye for detail. Culture change management takes this a step further--we'll be discussing how and why shortly. First, we'll walk through a definition so we can clear up what culture change management actually is. After that, we'll ...
By Gilad David Maayan
What Is Social Engineering? Social engineering is a method used by cybercriminals that relies on human interaction and often involves tricking people into breaking normal security procedures. It is an art of deception, aiming to exploit the weakest link in the cyber defense system: the human element. Social engineering attempts to manipulate ...
By David Gilad Maayan
What Is EDR? Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a cybersecurity technology that continuously monitors and collects data from endpoint devices to identify, investigate, and prevent potential security threats. EDR solutions are typically used to provide visibility into activities happening on endpoints, which can be any device connected to...
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