4 Ways Service Mesh Boosts Cloud Security

Gilad David Maayan
Published 04/04/2023
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4 Ways Service Mesh Boosts Cloud SecurityWhat Is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a layer of infrastructure that sits between the individual microservices in a distributed application and the network. It provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure communication between these microservices.

A service mesh typically consists of a number of sidecar proxies that are deployed alongside each microservice. These proxies intercept incoming and outgoing network traffic and route it to the appropriate destination. They also provide features such as load balancing, service discovery, and monitoring, which make it easier to manage communication between microservices.

One of the main benefits of a service mesh is that it helps to decouple the communication between microservices from the individual microservices themselves. This makes it easier to change the communication patterns between microservices without making changes to the microservices themselves. It also makes it easier to add new microservices to the system, as they can simply connect to the service mesh and start communicating with other microservices.

Service meshes are commonly used in cloud-native environments, where they help to provide a reliable and secure communication layer for distributed applications.



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How to Achieve Operational Efficiency and Resiliency with a Service Mesh

A service mesh can help organizations improve daily operations in a number of ways:

  • Improved observability: A service mesh provides visibility into the communication between microservices, allowing organizations to monitor the health and performance of their applications in real-time. This can help them to identify and resolve issues more quickly, improving the reliability and availability of their services.
  • Simplified management: A service mesh provides a centralized way to manage communication between microservices, allowing organizations to configure and control this communication consistently. This can reduce the complexity of managing distributed applications and make it easier to scale and maintain them over time – a practice known as cloud optimization.
  • Reduced operational costs: A service mesh can help organizations to reduce operational costs by automating tasks such as service discovery, load balancing, and monitoring. This can reduce the need for manual intervention and free up resources for more important tasks.

Another impact of service mesh technology is that it can help address service outages more effectively and reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR) using these capabilities:

  • Resilient communication: A service mesh can help to ensure that communication between microservices is resilient and can recover from failures. This can help to reduce the impact of outages on the overall system.
  • Circuit breaking: A service mesh can implement circuit breaking, which allows it to automatically stop sending traffic to a microservice that is experiencing issues. This can help to prevent the failure of one microservice from cascading to other microservices and causing a larger outage.
  • Self-healing: A service mesh can automatically detect and resolve issues with microservices, such as by restarting them or rerouting traffic to a healthy instance. This can help to reduce the time it takes to recover from an outage.
  • Monitoring and alerting: A service mesh can provide monitoring and alerting capabilities, allowing organizations to quickly identify and respond to issues as they arise. This can help to reduce the MTTR by enabling organizations to address issues more quickly.


What Are the Main Challenges Faced When Securing Cloud Environments?

There are a number of challenges associated with securing cloud environments, including:

  • Shared responsibility: In a cloud environment, the responsibility for security is typically shared between the cloud provider and the customer. This can make it challenging for organizations to understand and manage their security responsibilities and to ensure that they are adequately protected.
  • Complexity: Cloud environments can be complex, with many different components and technologies that need to be secured. This can make it challenging to identify and mitigate security risks, and to ensure that all systems are properly configured and protected.
  • Lack of visibility: It can be difficult to get visibility into the security posture of a cloud environment, particularly if an organization is using multiple cloud providers or has a large, distributed cloud infrastructure. This can make it challenging to identify and address security issues in a timely manner.
  • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards can be a challenge in a cloud environment, particularly if an organization is using multiple cloud providers or has a large, distributed cloud infrastructure.
  • Evolving threats: Cloud environments are exposed to a range of threats, including cyber attacks, data breaches, and insider threats. These threats can be difficult to detect and mitigate, particularly in a complex and distributed environment.

Below I discuss how service mesh technology can help address these challenges.


How Service Mesh Boosts Cloud Security


Increased Visibility

Increased visibility is a key capability of a service mesh that can improve cloud security in several ways:

  • Threat detection: By providing visibility into the communication between microservices, a service mesh can help organizations to detect potential threats and vulnerabilities more quickly. For example, if a microservice starts behaving abnormally or communicating with unexpected destinations, this could be an indication of a potential threat.
  • Compliance: A service mesh can provide visibility into the communication between microservices, which can help organizations to ensure that they are compliant with relevant regulations and industry standards. For example, if an organization is required to encrypt certain types of data in transit, a service mesh can help to ensure that this requirement is being met.
  • Auditing: A service mesh can provide a record of all communication between microservices, which can be useful for auditing purposes. This can help organizations to demonstrate compliance with regulations and standards, and can also be used to investigate any issues or concerns that may arise.


Authentication, Authorization, and Encryption

A service mesh can improve the security of microservices by enforcing controls like authentication, authorization, and encryption. It is a security best practice to implement the same security measures for inter-service communication as for communication between microservices and external entities:

  • Authentication/authorization and encryption should restrict all communications within the network. A service mesh can enforce these measures without impacting the application’s code.
  • A service mesh can enforce security policies such as allow-listing, deny-listing, and rate-limiting in the case of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  • Service meshes typically include security features to protect inbound and outbound communication via the ingress/egress API gateways, which connect microservices to external applications.


Multi-Cloud Support

Most service mesh technologies have inherent multi-cloud support, because they support Kubernetes. This can improve cloud security in several ways:

  • Compliance: A service mesh that supports multi-cloud environments can help organizations to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards across different cloud environments.
  • Portability: A service mesh that supports multi-cloud environments can help organizations to move workloads between different cloud environments more easily and securely.
  • Consistent security policies: A service mesh that supports multi-cloud environments can help organizations to ensure that their security measures are consistent across different cloud environments. This can make it easier to manage security and reduce the risk of vulnerabilities or misconfigurations.


Controlled Rollouts of New Services

Controlled service rollouts is a capability of a service mesh that allows organizations to carefully manage the deployment and roll out of new or updated microservices. This can improve cloud security in several ways:

  • Testing: A service mesh that supports controlled service rollouts can help organizations to test new or updated microservices in a staging environment before deploying them to production. This can help to catch security issues earlier in the development process, reducing risk.
  • Rollback: A service mesh that supports controlled service rollouts can allow organizations to roll back to a previous version of a microservice if security issues or vulnerabilities are discovered with a new version.
  • Traffic management: A service mesh that supports controlled service rollouts can allow organizations to manage the traffic to new or updated microservices in a controlled manner. They can also integrate security solutions that inspect traffic and block malicious traffic.



In conclusion, a service mesh can provide a range of capabilities that can help organizations to improve the security of their cloud environments.

These capabilities include authentication and authorization, which can help to manage and control access to resources and data; increased visibility, which can help organizations to detect and respond to threats and vulnerabilities; multi-cloud support, which can help organizations to take advantage of the diversity of different cloud providers and ensure compliance across different environments; and controlled service rollouts, which can help organizations to test and roll out new or updated microservices in a controlled manner.

By leveraging these capabilities, organizations can improve the security and reliability of their systems, and better protect their data and resources in the cloud.


About the Author

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Imperva, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Check Point, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership. Today he heads Agile SEO, the leading marketing agency in the technology industry. Connect with Gilad on LinkedIn.


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