Advancing Leadership, Success, and Innovation for Women in Technology
The IEEE Computer Society supports all people in tech and offers many initiatives to empower their career development and salary potential. IEEE’s mission to foster technological innovation and excellence to benefit humanity requires the talents and perspectives of people with many disciplinary backgrounds.
Online Resources for Women
We recommend the following resources for women working to advance in technical fields.
Learn more about the challenges and opportunities for women in computing by watching our learning webinar. For resources that support girls in computing, visit TryEngingeering for information about Girls Who Code.
Offers awards, (STAR) programs, events, networking, affinity groups.
A standing committee of the National Research Council (NRC) to promote women in science and tech.
IEEE Computer Society recognizes outstanding work in computing and service to the profession and to the society.
ICRW's mission is to advance gender equity, inclusion and the alleviation of poverty worldwide.
A prominent group offering networking, awards, services, and recruitment programs for employers.
Provides networking support to women in the tech through professional growth and creating new opportunities.
Supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for women in all aspects of computing.
The E-Mentoring Network for Diversity in Engineering and Science for women.
Inspires women through workshops, research, and publications. Implements best practices for hiring women.
Offers after-school and summer programs to reach young girls from 5th to 12th grades.
A community where women express different challenges and their contributions to tech.
Advocates women in science, technology, mathematics and engineering.
Provides information for women in engineering, networking, webcasts and webinars.
Encourages young girls to study engineering. Provides scholarship information and a forum to interact with engineers.
Based at the NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley, SU hosts a Women's Forum featuring top women entrepreneurs, humanitarians, and techies.
Encourages young women to change the world through engineering and science.
Honors women IEEE members for extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.
Helps organizations to inspire women and girls to pursue STEM subjects.
Gives women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry.
Infographic from UC Berkeley explores the history and influence of Women in Computing.
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